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Academic Plan

DMACC Completion Plan

Spring 2022

HSV 802 Internship & Seminar

Summer 2022

SOC 115 - Social Problems

Undergraduate | Grand View University
Social Work

Des Moines has been my home for the last 10 years and this is where I plan to be settled permanently. Grand View University offers the Social Work program I am interested in pursuing for a bachelor's degree.

Graduate | University of Iowa
Social Work

My long term goal is to become a Licensed Independent Social Worker, which requires a master's degree which I intend to complete at the University of Iowa after graduating from Grand View University.

Honors Projects

Honors Project 1.jpg

This research project focused on mythbusting stereotypes that prevent us from properly communicating. Myths I focussed on include: "Same-Sex Relationships are Less Stable Than Different-Sex Relationships", "Men are From Mars and Women are From Venus", and "Black Americans are too Angry". Each was broken down into more specific stereotypes and each was found to be largely inaccurate and, in specific instances, counter to the truth.

Project | 01

I presented my first Honors Project virtually to an audience of my Honors Professors and faculty including President Denson and Dean Stick. Above, I have attached both the presentation slideshow and transcription with references.

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