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My Service Project


Typically in Honors 100 at DMACC, a class volunteers in the community and works on a service learning project together. Due to Covid-19, our Summer 2020 class was unable to safely do this. Instead, we each got to learn about a non-profit that we were passionate about. I talked to One Iowa's Director of Policy and Advocacy to learn more about how their organization is helping LBGTQ Iowans from inclusivity training to legal advocacy. My breakdown of their organization is attached to the right.

One Iowa
Polk County Democrats

After caucusing in 2020 I volunteered as a delegate alternate for my district and sat on the credentials committee. I helped confirm delegates' information going into the county convention. As the conventions went virtual, we, unfortunately, were not needed to fulfill our duties at a physical convention of confirming delegates but I am grateful to have been part of the experience and look forward to volunteering at the next caucus.

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